How to Make Wine Can Chicken

How to Make Wine Can Chicken

It’s no secret that at Union Wine Company, we’re proponents of thinking outside the box. Or in this case, outside of coq au vin.

This Memorial Day Weekend, we brought a new take on our Underwood cans to life. At Austin’s famed Hot Luck Fest, we partnered with Chef Doug Adams (his new restaurant Bullard PDX will open in the new Woodlark Hotel this fall) to bring our vision of Wine Can Chicken to life. Most people have heard, and some have tried, the infamous BBQ dish “Beer Can Chicken,” but no one had experienced what true wine can chicken could be – until this weekend.

Amidst 100 degree heat, we paired 1,000 pounds of chicken with 300 cans of Underwood Pinot Noir and Pinot Gris to create the ultimate show stopper.

Want to recreate the dish at home? Chef Doug Adams shares his recipe below.


For Rub:

  • 2 Guajillo chiles
  • 2 Garlic cloves
  • 2 tbsp Orange juice
  • 2 tbsp Lime juice
  • 1 tbsp Fish sauce


  1. Remove giblets from chicken; discard.
  2. Rinse chicken inside and out; pat dry.
  3. In a small sauce pan, toast chiles on high heat till fragrant. About 2o seconds a side.
  4. Put the chiles and garlic in pot with just enough water to submerge the chiles. Simmer for 5 minutes and let stand until chiles are soft.
  5. Place the chiles and garlic in a processor with water and a pinch of salt; process smooth. mix with citrus and fish sauce. Rub marinade all over the chicken.
  6. Prepare barbecue grill and preheat for indirect-heat cooking.
  7. Carefully lower chicken over the wine can until can is inside body cavity. Pull legs forward so chicken stands upright on can.
  8. Carefully set chicken and can, in this upright position, on center of grill (not over direct heat); cover charcoal grill and open vents; close lid on gas grill.
  9. Cook until temperature reaches 160*, about 1 hour.
  10. Using oven mitts, carefully remove chicken with can from grill, keeping it upright.
  11. Let chicken stand on can for 15 minutes, then, holding a towel around the can to steady it and protect your hands, with a large carving fork, carefully remove chicken from can to a carving platter or carving board.
  12. Carve chicken and serve, adding salt and pepper to taste.
  13. Garnish with spicy pickles or avocado salsa.


Chefs’ Week PDX

PunchCan_1 This past February we were a part of the second annual Chefs’ Week PDX, a four day dinner and party series that brings together some of the best west coast chefs, local artisans and purveyors to celebrate community and creative  collaboration. Some of the highlights for our team: working with our friend Gregory Gourdet to create a delicious canned punch wine, tasting through some spectacular modern cuisine by all chefs at Ataula, watching the reactions of guests as Chef Aaron’s Pot au Fue’s were set down on each table,  Chef Doug’s elk leg at Nedd Ludd, and the gastronomical spectacle that is a 26 course meal finale put on by all chefs involved at Departure. We are proud to be a part of a city that can offer both the resources and creative genius to put together this kind of event, and give a huge round of applause to Gregory Gourdet, Carrie Kissell, and Drew Tyson for making it all happen.

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Photography by Julia Saltzman


Tasting Truck Build Out

Our Citroën H-van has been spending its evenings with another crew.  The good folks over at Orange PDX  took a few slabs of old barn wood and some steal to create an amazing build out for our tasting truck. Thanks Orange for letting us roam around and capture some behind the scenes moments and Wendy Etter for the great design.  We look forward to seeing you all at our weekend home on SE Division and 33rd!

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The Cans Have Arrived

The Underwood Pinot in a can is just starting to roll out to those people who pre-ordered the 4-packs and soon to stores around the country. Thanks to all of you who have supported this idea from the beginning.


We have always focused on producing down to earth wine and this is just one way of making that more real. It’s important that our wine is accessible to all without compromising any of the quality or the taste we are known for.

The amazing interest and support around the Underwood Pinot in a can, the newest addition to our Union Wine Co. family, has been a whirlwind. The can was introduced about a year ago, at Feast Portland, and since then we have been hard at work at our “industrial château” bringing the cans to market.


And starting June 4th you will be able to get your hands on your own Underwood Pinot in a can, locally in Portland, at New Seasons Market. We have also made a limited quantity available for purchase through our new online store. Be sure to keep in touch through Instagram and Facebook to find out where you can find the can throughout the US!

Remember to keep those #pinkiesdown!can2can1Can2 copycaninhand copyjp with cans copycan4

Photography by Julia Saltzman + David L Reamer