Posts Tagged: Underwood Pinot in a can

Wine Cocktail: Northwestern Comfort

underwood wine

On a dreary, rainy day in Portland we met up with bartender Jon Davidson to craft a cocktail that is anything but grey. Incorporating some of the best of the Pacific Northwest, and a pop of protein, we like to call this drink, “healthy”.

Northwestern Comfort

1 egg white
.75 oz lemon juice
Dash allspice
Dash cinnamon

Combine all ingredients except for the Pinot Noir in a shaker. Shake and strain into a glass. Layer Pinot Noir on top. Garnish with a pear slice.



About The Bartender

Jon Davidson, Bite of Oregon Iron Mixologist Champion, hosts a biweekly mixology segment on Portland’s KATU, Channel 2, featuring cocktails he has created during the course of his fourteen-year bartending career. He currently tends bar at Stanford’s in Portland, and on the side he designs cocktail menus for a variety of regional establishments.  Jon favors bold and multifaceted flavors when designing cocktails, and loves to incorporate unexpected ingredients (cumin, anyone?).

Photography by David L. Reamer

New York Launch Party

Last week we flew to New York to celebrate our Underwood Pinot in a Can launch at the new Will Leather Goods shop. With a Bark Hot Dog in one hand and a tote filled with Quin Candy, Jacobsen Salt and an issue of 1859 Magazine in the other our cans were in great company. Here are a few snapshots from this fantastic evening. Thanks to everyone who came out to support us.


(we know we sure did)



Photography by Kimberley Mufferi

The Cans Have Arrived

The Underwood Pinot in a can is just starting to roll out to those people who pre-ordered the 4-packs and soon to stores around the country. Thanks to all of you who have supported this idea from the beginning.


We have always focused on producing down to earth wine and this is just one way of making that more real. It’s important that our wine is accessible to all without compromising any of the quality or the taste we are known for.

The amazing interest and support around the Underwood Pinot in a can, the newest addition to our Union Wine Co. family, has been a whirlwind. The can was introduced about a year ago, at Feast Portland, and since then we have been hard at work at our “industrial château” bringing the cans to market.


And starting June 4th you will be able to get your hands on your own Underwood Pinot in a can, locally in Portland, at New Seasons Market. We have also made a limited quantity available for purchase through our new online store. Be sure to keep in touch through Instagram and Facebook to find out where you can find the can throughout the US!

Remember to keep those #pinkiesdown!can2can1Can2 copycaninhand copyjp with cans copycan4

Photography by Julia Saltzman + David L Reamer